Letter to the press on vulnerable adults

by charlottebarnes on 14 July, 2014

Dear Editor,

Over much of the country there is a growing crisis in the care of elderly and vulnerable adults as cutbacks start biting hard.

Here is Shropshire we face a situation with many are facing a wait of months to be assessed for what care or adaptations they need. One friend of mine had to wait 5 months to see seen – 4 months over the target date of 28 days. Many more are in a similar position.

Many, myself included, have repeatedly flagged up issues of this kind over the last few months. The Council’s response has been to set up a number of meetings which have resolved nothing. It is now reach crisis point in the West of the County with many social workers either leaving or taking redundancy.

The time for more meetings is past, the Council must act if we are avoid a meltdown in our care services with the attendant risk to life that entails.

Yours sincerely

Peter Phillips
Frogs Gutter,
The Bog,
Minsterley SY 5 0NL

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