by charlottebarnes on 14 July, 2014

Councillors in the West of Shropshire have welcomed the speed at which the Governments extra cash for road repairs has been put to work but warn that it is only addressing the tip of the iceberg.
Heather Kidd, Shropshire Councillor for Chirbury and Worthen, said “This injection has made a difference on some of the major roads through my division. Work that has been left undone for months such as the main road through Marton and the Leigh Road is now imminent. Some smaller roads which were dreadful such at Lower Wood are also being addressed but it still leaves a mass of repairs on country roads that need doing. It is estimated that at our current rate of repair it will take 93 years to finish the job!”
Charlotte Barnes, Councillor for Bishops Castle, added: “Don’t get me wrong this extra cash is most welcome. Places in my Division which have been waiting for months are now being repaired. However this still feels like a sticking plaster operation. It would be far simpler if the Government ring fenced a proportion of the Road Fund Licence for local authorities taking into account the geography not just the population of an area. The Government is considering just such a measure proposed by the Local Government Association. It would be a far better solution to the problem and go a long way to addressing the chronic state of our roads in Shropshire.”

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